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Headshot of organist Alcee Chriss III. Headshot of organist Alcee Chriss III. Headshot of organist Alcee Chriss III.

FREE Organ Recital Featuring Alcee Chriss III

Sep 30, 2023, 5:00 PM

Performance Details

Alcee Chriss III OrganSowerby Comes Autumn TimePrice RetrospectionFranck Second movement from Symphony in D minorGuillou ToccataSchumann Canonic Study No. 4Reger Fantasy and Fugue on B-A-C-H

Program NotesCelebrated and award-winning organist Alcee Chriss III is widely regarded as one of the leading young organists of our time. He has been described as playing with “clarity, imagination, musicality, virtuosity, and yes, personality” (American Record Guide) and was featured in the 2019 PBS documentary Pipe Dreams. Now, hear this brilliant young artist in a FREE organ recital September 30 on the famous Fred J. Cooper Memorial Organ in Verizon Hall.Please note: The Philadelphia Orchestra does not appear on this concert.

This concert is part of the Fred J. Cooper Memorial Organ Experience, supported through a generous grant from the Wyncote Foundation.

Verizon Hall

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